We are serious about bringing the Good news of Christ into our neighbourhoods. Messy Church is a way for families to get together and have fun while learning more about Christ together through crafts, stories, food and fun. These programs are run in the early evening or at weekends outside the normal Sunday morning church slot.
It’s a family fun focused worship experience, an alternative faith community for those who are not current members.
Messy Church began in April 2004 in an Anglican church near Portsmouth. It is a church for families who find it hard to go to church on a Sunday, and a typical session would include chilling, creating, celebrating and chomping. It meets once a month at a time most suitable for a local area, either after school or at the weekend. Perhaps the most significant aspects are those of: welcoming the whole family together not just the children being a church not a club eating together
The session would typically run along these lines:
3.30 - welcome
4.00 - crafts
5.00 - celebration
5.15 - meal
to provide an opportunity for people of all ages to worship together
to help people of all ages feel they belong in church and to each other
to help people have fun and be creative together
to introduce Jesus through hospitality, friendship, stories and worship
Local Initiative
Here in the diocese of Edmonton we are excited that a number of parishes are getting "mes sy". The founder of Messy Church, Lucy Moore, visited the diocese in June 2010 and provided training and encouragement.
Current ‘Messy’ Programs
If you would like to get messy with us you can contact any of the churches below for details of their Messy programs, or call/email Bishop Jane at the Synod Office. She would be delighted to talk to you about this program.
- Friends@Four, St. Augustine’s Parkland, 131 Church Road, Spruce
Takes place on the last Saturday of each month from 4:00 - 6:30 pm.
Based on a Messy Church model, we meet to learn a Bible story, have a wee bit of praise, participate in an activity together, and have a meal.
This ministry is mainly for families who would like to worship together, and for families who are interested in learning more about Christianity -- or who just want to explore a Jesus-centered community to see what we're about.
St. Augustine's Parkland
Messy Wednesdays, Holy Trinity Neighbourhood Church, 1428-156 Street, Edmonton
Come join the messy fun every Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:30 at Holy Trinity Riverbend.
There is no cost, and nothing to bring but your appetite.every Wednesday.
HTR Church
Messy Church at Christ Church Edmonton, 12116-102 Avenue, Edmonton
Faith, Food, Fun, Friends and Families!
Held the
third Friday of every month at 6 pm.
Christ Church
- Messy Church at St. Timothy’s, 8420-145 Street, Edmonton
Held the first Saturday of every month from 3-5 pm
Songs, Games, Crafts, Bible Stories and Family-style Dinner
St. Timothy's
- Messy Church at St. Matthias, 6210-188 Street, Edmonton
Messy Church coming to Saint Matthias!! This program is aimed primarily at families with young children who may find attending worship on Sunday’s not always practical, but still wish to experience a Christian environment. Messy Church will be held every last Monday of the month (5:15-7pm) starting Sept. 27th. The evening will consist of a children’s lesson with crafts, a short 20 min. worship service then supper.
St. Matthias
Messy Days
- St. Michael and All Angels, 5003 - 146 Avenue, Edmonton, T5A 4M7
Phone: (780) 478-6741
- St. George’s Fort Saskatchewan, 10029-99 Avenue, Fort Saskatchewan, T8L 1R6
St. George's
- St. John the Divine, 4809-50 Street, Onoway, T0E 1V0
More Information